Thursday, April 23, 2009

Big Sister

Maddie is going to be a big sister in December!


Jessica Simonsen Howard said...

So excited for you! They will be such best friends being so close in age. I think the transition to siblings is better when they are a little bit younger. Hope you are feeling well and try to rest all you can.

pat said...

WOW! Marla, How wonderful! Can't believe you didn't say anything when I was in and saw "little Stevette's" pic. So happy for you guys. What did Katie say? I know she talked about "when I have another baby, etc., etc." often, usually in reference to whether she would stay full time. I was at my happiest I think when I was pregnant and I hope you will breeze thru and have a wonderful pregnantcy. Please keep us updated!

Madelyn Kenley Waters

Madelyn Kenley Waters
Two Days Old

Sweet baby girl

Sweet baby girl
Maddie looking at her daddy

Look at Me...I'm Free

Look at Me...I'm Free
I have legs

Pretty Smile

I Love My Daddy!!!

Halloween 2007

Halloween 2007
I'm a lady bug

Trick or Treat

Baby Einstein

Baby Einstein
I love watching Baby Einstein

Smiling Baby

Smiling Baby
Maddie learning to smile

Smile for Daddy

My Bumbo Chair

My Bumbo Chair
Sitting in my new chair

I am so happy

Look at me!!!

Bath time

Bath time
Maddie in her "spa"