Sunday, August 24, 2008

Learning to Walk

Maddie is now starting to walk.  She is only taking baby steps...but that is definitely progress.  She only does it when we get down on her level & call out to her.  When she reaches us, she is so proud & excited.  This weekend we turned the car seat around.  Our baby is really growing up, however still no teeth.  Enjoy the video!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Splish Splash

This is just a cute video I made of Maddie from a couple of weeks ago.  Today was her 1 year checkup.  Maddie weighed in at 22 lbs., 29 in. long. She is growing like a weed!  She got her shots today & she screamed like crazy.  Poor thing.  I felt so bad that I was letting them do this to my child.  Dr. Vickie says that she normally recommends at one year the child visits the dentist to make sure that their teeth are healthy....however...Maddie still has no teeth.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

The Happy Birthday Rap

This past weekend we celebrated Maddie's 1st birthday.  What a great time we had.  The festivities began on Friday with Grammie, Grandpie, Nanny, & Poppy arriving.  Saturday morning Nanny, Maddie, Karli, Mason, Edie, & I went to the pool so that Maddie could get all of her energy out to nap good.  Maddie had a great time at her party.  She mingled with the crowd, got to see lots of her family, & hung out with some of her friends.  Uncle Rick was on call & he & Randy had to leave early we he got paged with an unexpected case of priaprism.  What a great laugh we all had.  For those of you who do not know what priaprism is....let's just say that the Cialis lasted WAY TOO LONG.  Maddie sure did enjoy her birthday cake.  She pretty much demolished it.  It was her ears, hair, & all over her whole body.  Grammie took her straight up to the bath!  Afterwards she opened her presents.  Her cousins, Mason & Sam helped her unwrap them.   She did like eating the wrapping paper too.  She got some great presents.  This morning she enjoyed the toys that I put together late last night.   Maddie had one of the worst nights that she has had in months.  She was up crying at 12:30, 2:00, & 2:30.  I finally put her in our bed at 2:30.  She then slept until 5.  This is when the sugar rush hit from ALL the birthday cake.  She was ready to play.  We put her back in her room & she then slept till 7:30.  Thank goodness.  This afternoon we did our 1 year pictures with our photographer's dad.  I can't wait to get the pictures & of course I'll post them!

My Birthday Weekend

My Birthday Weekend

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

It's My Birthday!!!!!

Today was my 1st birthday.  I had a great day.  Momma came into my room this morning singing "Happy Birthday."  I was so excited that it was my birthday...I was smiling & jumping up & down in my crib.  First Momma went to work until 2 then ran some errands.  When she came home she gave my this great toddler cookie.  I got it ALL over myself & the floor.  After Momma cleaned me all up, she put my in a very pretty birthday dress so that we could all go out to dinner.  I took a short nap in the car then we arrived at the Kani House.   It was so good.  I ate soup, fried rice, & chicken.  I loved the food.  I also loved watching it being cooked on the big grill.  I liked watching the fire on the grill too.  After my dinner the servers sang "Happy Birthday" to me & beat on a drum.  It was so much fun.  When I got home, Momma & Daddy had one more surprise for very own birthday cupcake.  Momma even put a candle on it.  I demolished the cupcake & got it ALL over me, my chair, & the floor.  I had it in my hair & even in my ears.  After I finished my cupcake, Momma gave me a bath & then we watched tv together.  I can't wait till my party this weekend.  

Fun With Cousins

This past Saturday, we had a very busy day.  We went to a swim birthday party for the kids in our subdivision.  Maddie had a great time with all of the other kids.  All the kids brought presents for a little boy in Canton that lives with his grandma.  He does not have a lot so everyone brought presents to help him out.  What a great idea.  After the pool party we went over to Aunt Edie & Uncle Karl's house for dinner.  It was so much fun to watch Maddie play with her cousins, Mason & Karli.  She would play with them for awhile then go off & play by herself.  It was so cute.  That night there was a big storm so the power went out.  So we all ate dinner in the dark. Karl had a small generator so he was able to plug in a small lamp.  It was very romantic!  Maddie tried salmon for the first time.  She LOVED it.  She will eat just about anything (just like her Daddy!)

Madelyn Kenley Waters

Madelyn Kenley Waters
Two Days Old

Sweet baby girl

Sweet baby girl
Maddie looking at her daddy

Look at Me...I'm Free

Look at Me...I'm Free
I have legs

Pretty Smile

I Love My Daddy!!!

Halloween 2007

Halloween 2007
I'm a lady bug

Trick or Treat

Baby Einstein

Baby Einstein
I love watching Baby Einstein

Smiling Baby

Smiling Baby
Maddie learning to smile

Smile for Daddy

My Bumbo Chair

My Bumbo Chair
Sitting in my new chair

I am so happy

Look at me!!!

Bath time

Bath time
Maddie in her "spa"