Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Flipping Over

Maddie has learned how to turn over! Such a small accomplishment, yet we feel so proud. She now only sleeps on her stomach. At first, I'll admit that I was a little worried about this (due to the increase risk of SIDS) but now I am more bothered because she can't flip back over yet. When she wakes up & discovers that she is on her tummy...she gets mad & starts screaming. Then you flip her back on her back & less than 2 seconds later....she's back on her tummy! Ahhhhh!

Back on her back

Back to the tummy


Smiling again!!

Eating My Peas

Maddie was not to sure what to think about peas. I think that she does however like them more than Momma does. I was extremely proud of myself. We were using the cloth bibs to feed her & they were becoming stained with her baby food so I got her some plastic bibs!

Me & My Cousin

Maddie looked on while Karli ate her dinner. Karli is only 8 months older than Maddie. One day these two are going to be getting into trouble together.

At the Playground

Maddie on the swing for the 1st time.
Maddie swinging with her Daddy

Maddie swinging with her Poppy

Maddie was so intrigued with all of the kids running around. She wanted to be a part of all the fun.

Maddie did not care for the slide. She started screaming when we put her on it!

Playing the Guitar

Maddie loves listening to her Poppy playing his guitar.

Me & My Poppy

Nanny & Poppy came to visit this past weekend. We had a great time. Maddie lights up when she sees her Poppy. She loves his funny mustash!

Our Little Valentine!!!

Maddie smiling with her Daddy!

This is how I typically look when I am at home. I normally have spit up all over me! My motto used to be that no outfit was complete without cat hair. Now it's no outfit is complete without spit up all over it.

"Maddie K" smiling so pretty!

Grandpappa & Mimi Visit

Grandpappa & Mimi came to visit. We had a great afternoon. We went on a stroller ride then had happy hour prior to going to the Windchester for dinner
Maddie enjoying her dinner with her Grandpappa

Maddie with her cracker!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

6 Month Update

Maddie turned 6 months old this past Monday. I cannot believe that it's been half a year. Time has just flown by. She is so much fun. She has such a cute personality & is so well tempered. She only cries when it's nap time or she's hungry. Maddie got her first cold last week thanks to daycare. We thought she was almost getting over it when we went to see Dr. Vickie today & found out that Maddie has her 1st ear infection. We started her on Amoxicillin. She did not really like the way it tastes. I think it tastes pretty good. She now weighs 15 lbs. 12 oz. & is 24 & 3/4 inches long. She got her shots today & she screamed like she was being torchered. Now when I say that she screamed...I mean that she SCREAMED. Maddie has really been developing. She is learning to sit up, hold her own bottle, eat her teething cracker by herself & jump in her johnny jumper. I feel like I am going to blink & she will be going off to college. She loves her Daddy so much. She lights up when he is around...she is definitely Daddy's Little Girl.

Tummy Time

We have been working on Maddie's "tummy time." She still doesn't like it. I see pictures a little babies lying on their tummies playing with all their toys...but not my child. She hates it!


Maddie's favorite game to play is Peek-A-Boo. She lights up like a Christmas tree when you uncover her face. It is a very entertaining game for her. It usually will also cheer her up if she's cranky.

Holding My Bottle

Maddie started drinking a little juice. She loves it. I was giving her some & looked down & she was holding her bottle herself. It was pretty cute. She is getting bigger & developing daily!

New Shoes

Maddie wore shoes for the first time. She was very excited when I put them on her. We stood her on the countertop & she danced around like the penquin from the movie, Happy Feet.

Bath Time in My New Big Girl Bath

Maddie loves her new big girl bath tub. She love staring at her rubber ducky.


The first time that we gave Maddie her Zwieback teething crackers she had no idea what to do. I had to put the cracker in the hand & move her hand up to her mouth. This time when we gave them to her....she put it right in her mouth herself. What a big girl!

Johnny Jumper

Maddie loves her new Johnny Jumper that her Nanny & Poppy gave her. She hasn't quite gotten the hang of it. We have to make it jump for her...but she loves it. Pretty soon she'll be a little jumping jack.

Madelyn Kenley Waters

Madelyn Kenley Waters
Two Days Old

Sweet baby girl

Sweet baby girl
Maddie looking at her daddy

Look at Me...I'm Free

Look at Me...I'm Free
I have legs

Pretty Smile

I Love My Daddy!!!

Halloween 2007

Halloween 2007
I'm a lady bug

Trick or Treat

Baby Einstein

Baby Einstein
I love watching Baby Einstein

Smiling Baby

Smiling Baby
Maddie learning to smile

Smile for Daddy

My Bumbo Chair

My Bumbo Chair
Sitting in my new chair

I am so happy

Look at me!!!

Bath time

Bath time
Maddie in her "spa"