Sunday, January 11, 2009

17 Month Update

Maddie turned 17 months at the beginning of January.  Hard to believe.  She now has 6 teeth.  Finally she has her 2 front teeth.  Poor thing looked so funny for a while with just 1 front tooth.  Just a couple of days ago I was expressing my concern for her not speaking more words and now she is repeating all sorts of words.  She can say:  purple, bye bye, please, kitty, grandpie, and grammie.  Now let me clarify this....she is not going around saying these words.  We'll say, "Maddie say ____" and she'll repeat it in the cutest little voice.  We have been working on animal sounds too.  If you ask her what the lion says, she roars.  She will also moo when asked what the cow says.  Her Nanny and Poppy gave her a learning dog for Christmas and this morning she was playing with it and it said bye bye to her.  I then heard her say bye bye back.  It is also one of those things where you hear a parent talking with their child and you have no idea what the child just said, however the parent knows.  Another word that Maddie can say or should I say Maddie says is book.  However it comes out as gock.  It's pretty cute.  Maddie's hair has grown in the back, but is still thin on top.  She will no longer wear bows in her hair.  I try to distract her with toys, but a few minutes later she finds the bow and pulls it out.  Oh well!   She also will stick both hands up in the air when we yell "touch down."  She is also still a huge Daddy's girl, but loves her Momma too!

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Madelyn Kenley Waters

Madelyn Kenley Waters
Two Days Old

Sweet baby girl

Sweet baby girl
Maddie looking at her daddy

Look at Me...I'm Free

Look at Me...I'm Free
I have legs

Pretty Smile

I Love My Daddy!!!

Halloween 2007

Halloween 2007
I'm a lady bug

Trick or Treat

Baby Einstein

Baby Einstein
I love watching Baby Einstein

Smiling Baby

Smiling Baby
Maddie learning to smile

Smile for Daddy

My Bumbo Chair

My Bumbo Chair
Sitting in my new chair

I am so happy

Look at me!!!

Bath time

Bath time
Maddie in her "spa"