Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Meeting Santa

Ok so I had been extremely scared to take Maddie to meet Santa.  I thought for sure she would be one of those hysterical kids that you hear screaming from the other end of the mall.  She was so good.  She was extremely captivated by the candy cane that was given to her before being handed off to Santa.  After a minute or so she smiled so big.  I am so excited that I captured the moment.  The picture that they took was even better and did not have Kris' hands in it!  I tried to video at the same time too with the other hand, however I have not watched it yet.

Before going to meet Santa...we took some pictures of Maddie in one of her Christmas dresses.  She looked so beautiful.  Our little baby is turning into a little girl!
Maddie has not been very good with the Christmas tree. She really enjoys taking the ornaments OFF the tree and the hooks remain on the tree (and they are green so I can't seem to find them!)  The only way that I could get her to stay for some pictures was to let her hold the ornament that she took off the tree when we sat her there.  The ornament in her hands use to belong to my mom.  She recently gave it to me because as a kid it was my favorite.  It is a disc ball.  I just thought that it was so beautiful.  It would reflect all of the beautiful lights from the tree in the mirrors.  I thought it was so cute the way that Mads went for that ornament.  

Now she took the bow off the tree too!

Photo session over Mama....time to take more ornaments off the tree!

1 comment:

Jessica Simonsen Howard said...

Her dress is so adorable. I understand the tree thing. I barely put anything on my tree this year because I didn't want to chase it around the house.

Madelyn Kenley Waters

Madelyn Kenley Waters
Two Days Old

Sweet baby girl

Sweet baby girl
Maddie looking at her daddy

Look at Me...I'm Free

Look at Me...I'm Free
I have legs

Pretty Smile

I Love My Daddy!!!

Halloween 2007

Halloween 2007
I'm a lady bug

Trick or Treat

Baby Einstein

Baby Einstein
I love watching Baby Einstein

Smiling Baby

Smiling Baby
Maddie learning to smile

Smile for Daddy

My Bumbo Chair

My Bumbo Chair
Sitting in my new chair

I am so happy

Look at me!!!

Bath time

Bath time
Maddie in her "spa"